Benjamin might be a musician! Well- you just never know. Music has certainly entered Benny's life and he loves it!
In addition to the daily piano playing with Mom and occasional guitar playing by Daddy- I signed up for an infant music class. I was a bit reluctant at first, but Meredith convinced me it would be fun for Alina and Ben to do this together. So we had our first class last week. The class is a riot. We sit in a circle and sing and dance and play instruments. Benjamin seems to enjoy it- but during the times that all the babies sit on the parents lap- Benny won't sit. He wants to stand... and he is not happy to just stand, he keeps trying to walk across to the other side of the circle. (as many of you know our little Benjamin is quite the walker)
He is so funny!
I met Mere prior to the class at our old walking trail in Redwood Regional in Oakland. Benny is big enough now to go face forward in the Bjorn and he loved it.
Benjamin's other favorite activity is to stand on Jason's lap as they make faces and sounds and laugh at each other. I witnessed Benny laughing so hard that he tipped his head back and his belly contorted. There is nothing better than hearing and watching this.
Benny is officially 3 months old. I can't believe it!