Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Being a kid again

One of the greatest things about having a kid is the act of being a kid again. I mean, really getting down into it and doing what a kid does. Climb up on the jungle gym and go down the slide. Get on the swing and swing....realllllllly high. Get on the ground and play with dirt. Do a somersault. Stand on your head. Crawl through the big tube even if it's too small or it looks silly. Being a kid again is renewing and eye opening. When I drive around now I look for really cool parks to go to. When I teach I get into the activity more often. Kids really know how to live. And you might say this is so because they don't have the responsibilities we have as adults. I would argue that we just stop being kids somewhere along the line because it is not cool or it is inappropriate. When we stop being kids......well, you can fill in the blank here. Having a kid has really helped me shed some of the everyday stresses of life. Why would we want to spend time stressing or worrying about things when we could just be a kid. Go to the park and kick the ball around or do cartwheels (I can teach you!). Do what kids do. Being a kid went by so fast for us didn't it? Do I want to waste time when I can be a kid? You don't have a kid you say? Then you are missing my point. Sure it is easier for me because I have a kid? No, I have always wanted to do these things but I made excuses..."go to the park?, with who?" or "cartwheels?", "slide down the slide?", "play with trucks that flash and make noise?", kids do that. Go try it! Go be a kid again.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Boys like trucks

There is no question about it. Benny has acquired a fleet of trucks and he loves them all. Cultural or natural?