We were told that time would fly once the baby was born and we continue to realize this every day. Benjamin is doing so much right now and it is amazing and so much fun! I just can't believe how fast he is growing. I feel if I don't write things down his progress will go by in a blur.
So, to bring you up to speed... we got a baby walker and Benjamin is able to sit upright and he just loves it. His toes just barely touch the ground but he is able to push backwards a little. I don't think he really realizes what is happening yet. He is really grabbing toys and studying them which is fascinating to watch. He wants everything in his mouth.
Benny rolled over at his 2 month doctor appointment and I was so excited. The doctor confirmed that he is absoutely healthy and eating very well. He weighed in at 14 lbs (81st percentile!). He is still trying to master thumb sucking. Right now he seems happy to have his entire fist in the mouth- but it keeps him busy working at it.
I continue to see Meredith and Alina every week. The exciting news last week was that Alina and Benjamin finally noticed each other for the first time. They actually smiled at each other and it was so cute!
Gabrielle hosted a play date lunch which was so much fun. 4 babies and 4 mommies. The talk was nonstop and we decided to make this a regular event.
We had a wonderful holiday. I feel so blessed for this baby and blessed that we have such wonderful friends and family in our lives.