Saturday, November 3, 2007

Nona has arrived!

Mom's visit is going great. We are having fun just sitting around the house with Ben, cooking, cleaning and talking. It's so great that our family has taken the time to travel West for this special time in Ben's life. Our friends are also visiting and helping out. Gabrielle was just here today to offer Carrie a rest from breast feeding. We (Ben) couldn't be more happy!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

First time for everything!

Halloween was a first. We didn't exactly go Trik or Treating but Ben got to dress up. My beautiful colleagues at OLA outfitted Ben for this special day. Thank you so much to everyone again for all your support and generosity with Ben. We love you!
xoxo, Jason, Carrie and Ben

Monday, October 29, 2007


Having a baby really does give new meaning to multi-tasking. In fact, as I type, Benjamin is laid across my body, sleeping. That is why we are so thankful for our parents. Benjamin is growing too. Holding him and doing things is getting more difficult. Tomorrow we will get an official weight. How do single parents do it? Carrie and I really do have a sense of teamwork when it comes to Ben. I think we are pretty good at parenting too (So far that is).