he is such a little man these days.
The smiles are incredible and continue to melt our hearts. Benjamin has had a busy month- (also why we have been delinquent in posting!)
He officially turned 6 months old! He has received many visitors in the past 8 weeks....(Grammy and Poppy, Nona, Grandma Jude, Aunt Nancy and Cyndi and Grandpa Kirk). He survived his first cold (with 2 separate trips to the dct) and he is officially doing something on the way to crawling.
We are settling in to a nice routine. Tuesday- Thursday Benjamin goes to Nonie's school with his best buddy Patrick, I am off on Fridays and Jason is off on Mondays. We spend most weekends with cousin Alina and Aunt Meredith and Uncle Roger. Life is good.
Benjamin is also entering into the world of real eating. We got a high chair and have introduced rice cereal, sweet potato, carrots and bananas. He has taken to this like a champ and seems to just gobble it down.
It is amazing how fast he is growing and how fast the time is going by.