Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Our little yoda thoroughly enjoyed himself. He got to participate in a school parade and a halloween party.
At the last minute Jason and I decided it would be funny to borrow Obiwan and Leia costumes (thanks Emily and Gene!).
What wasn't so funny was that the Leia costume barely fit over my belly.

For the first time on our blog- announcing baby #2! Due in March. Benny will be a big brother! We are very excited!

So back to the costume story- I begged Jason to wear the Leia costume and he obliged. It was hysterical. Obi wan was perfect for me b/c it was just a big frock.
The picture is complete....

The Dude

Yoda and Supergirl

Sunday, October 26, 2008

1 year old

We had a great trip (except for the four shots) to the doctor. Ben is in good health. He still enjoys looking in the mirror at himself. He is in the 70th %tile for height!

We also turned Ben's carseat around so he can look forward. He enjoys watching the road ahead.