Well, despite being swollen to three times my usual size, despite the fact that I have pregnancy induced carpel tunnel and my fingers are constantly numb... I can't sleep and no position is comfortable, standing or sitting...... we all are SO ready for this baby to arrive- but despite all of this, the baby obviously is not yet ready.
This is a good lesson for me and Jason. This is the first of many things that we will have no control over with this child.
So- we wait. I try to be patient and positive. Luckily I have Alina to occupy most of my days. Thankfully my Mom and Dale are here cooking and entertaining and keeping things fun.
It could be much worse!
I will keep walking and walking and just hope this little one finds it way sooner rather than later!
If I haven't gone in to labor, my next appt is Friday at which point we will see how things are progressing. My dct says we will then schedule induction. Yikes! I want this baby to come naturally.
Think good thoughts of naturally coming- coming SOON and hopefully as pain free as possible.
a few updated Alina pics...
with Dad

Alina with Uncle Jason in her favorite position