I think I had a contraction last night but only one and it didn't really amount to anything.
Still, today I am rechecking our bags and our lists to make sure we are ready to go. I have this feeling it will be a middle of the night affair. Jason just had the bag conversation with me- which was basically emphasizing that I have too many- so I am trying to consolidate. I only have 1! But then we need to have a few extra things- like the cooler with snacks for him etc. etc. No matter how I try to streamline, we will end up with a couple bags. I just want to be prepared and have everything we need. (ok, so mabye I do have a small overpacking problem)
My Mom and Dale arrived yesterday and were very excited to get their first glimpse of baby Alina. Jason made an awesome Italian dinner for everyone.
So now we settle into this week. Mom and Dale will be staying with Mere and Roger and helping them get settled with Alina and we will wait to see when this little one is ready to make his/her appearance in the world.