I may look like the good year blimp- but I feel great! My hairdresser asked me if I was carrying triplets- the nerve!
Good news is that my glucose test came back normal- and the report is that all is progessing as it should. I even spent 4 hours in Labor and Delivery earlier this week and got to hook up to the fetal monitor and listen to the baby's heartbeat (on amplified speaker) for about 4 hours. Very consisent and healthy heartbeat- between 140 and 150. I of course came racing home to research if you can determine sex by the fetal heartbeat. I had heard rumors that you could. Of course, all reliable research points to the fact that this is nothing but a myth. The detective in me can't stand not knowing whether it is a girl or boy so I am constantly trying to find out with these hokey pokey tricks. Ultimately though- I really don't want to know and am very excited to be surprised.
The baby has been extremely active lately. Major kicking and gymnastics going on. The other night we got to watch an elbow or something roll across the belly. It is so crazy to experience.
Meredith is at 30 weeks-looking great! here are a few shots of our bellies and recent trip to their house last weekend.