We just hit the 18 week mark. Monday we have our next big ultrasound where they do detailed measurements and analysis. Meredith is at the 20 week mark and she has started to feel the kicking. I haven't felt a thing yet so I am anxiously awaiting. The Noyes's came over last night and we got our favorite Eric's chinese carryout and watched the Bskball game. Meredith and I did our weekly "belly comparison". It is funny to see how differently we are shaped. She is carrying all up front and low and mine seems to just consume my entire midsection. I can't wait to see what we both end up having and if shape really does indicate the sex.
2 ladies that I work with insist that I am having a girl by the way I am carrying. The guessing game will continue since we aren't going to find out the sex. Meredith and Rog hope to find out on Tuesday at their ultrasound. I am placing a bet right now that they are having a boy. I can't wait to find out if my theory is right!
Jason is great and supportive as ever. He is in the final countdown of the school year and has been very busy working on the last details and finishing touches of his thesis.